Friday, 7 March 2014

Personal Assistant

You are working as a software developer in a company named Blue Moons Inc. Your team has been assigned the task of developing software that would assist the users to store and retrieve personal information. According to the requirement specifications, the software should provide the functionality to store contact details of various people. It should also enable the user to store the details of meetings and appointments. In addition, the software should display reminders to alert the user for meetings and appointments.
As the software is required to assist the user for storing and retrieving personal information, it has been named as Personal Assistant.

Design Specifications
The Personal Assistant software should be designed to meet the following specifications:
n  When the application is executed, a menu with the following options should be displayed:
l  Contact details
l  Meetings/appointments
On selecting either of the preceding options, a submenu with the following options should be displayed:
l  Add new record
l  Delete record
l  Edit record
l  Search record
The Contact details option would enable the user to add, edit, delete, and search the contact details of various people. The contact details include information, such as name, address, phone number, and email address.

Similarly, the Meetings/appointments option enables the user to add, edit, delete, and search meeting/appointment details. The meeting/appointment details include information such as date of meeting/appointment, time, location, and duration of meeting.

Project and PPT and Dcomention C# Code 

DOWNLOAD from here:

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